School Health

Health Education:

  • Addresses all dimensions of health
  • Develop knowledge, attitudes, and skills
  • Tailored to each grade level
  • Motivates students

Physical Education :

  • Promotes lifelong physical activity
  • Develops basic movement skills
  • Develops physical fitness
  • Enhances social and emotional ability

Medical Check-up Health Profile:

  • General Health Check
  • Oxymetry
  • Spirometry
  • Vision Check
  • Oral Check - Dental
  • ENT
  • General Cardiac Health Check


  • Stress Management
  • Vision Seminar
  • Oral Hygiene Seminar
  • Nutrition Seminar
  • Parenting (for Parents)
  • Yoga for Children
  • Ergonomics demonstration
  • Nutrition
  • Sex education for High School
  • First Aid Training


  • Medical
  • Diet
  • Lifestyle
  • Psychological
  • Ergonomics

Medical Checks - Onsite:

  • Physical Check : Height, Weight & Chest
  • Oxymetry : Oxygen saturation level
  • Spirometry : Oxygen capacity of lungs
  • Vision Check : Refraction power, Color vision & disorders.
  • Oral Check : Cavities, alignments, gum disorders etc.
  • General / Cardiac Health Check : Respiratory disorders, Heart murmurs.

Health Record Services :

  • Health record to individual student
  • Electronic Medical Record for the school
  • Health Risk Analysis for the school
  • Online record for the parents